
¡Este 2024 tenemos una meta clara para RECOVER
the smiles of more children and young people with any
type of disability!


This 2023 we have a clear goal to RECOVER
the smiles of more children and young people with any
type of disability!

Make a transfer to:



ACCOUNT: 50060 446695

KEY: 0363 2050 0604 4669 51

What does it mean to get your smiles back?

  • It means including them in the world at large, giving them opportunities of any kind.
  • It means empowering them and giving them the necessary strength so that little by little they break down those limiting beliefs.
  • It means helping them improve their social skills and feel comfortable and proud in their own skin.
  • It means positively impacting your physical and mental health.

And we do it through the beauty and goodness of the ocean and its beaches, using it as a playing field to offer water sports experiences.

Why donate to Surfeando Sonrisas?

Because 8 out of 9 PwD (People with Disabilities) in Mexico interact only with their close circle (their family). They do not have opportunities for interaction, much less educational opportunities, transportation (free mobility) or work. PwD were simply not taken into account in any way for their development in society.

Through our programs and using water sports as the first step to help them feel good about themselves, we are able to give them confidence and self-esteem.

Surfeando Sonrisas was founded in November 2019 and since then we have positively impacted more than 2,300 PwD in different states of Mexico.

Frequent questions


What options do I have to make my donation?

You can donate through this website, using:

  • PayPal
  • Wire transfer

Also, you can use:

  • Debit
  • Credit card

And you can also make your recurring donation on a monthly basis.



Is there another way to donate?

Yes, you can go to the section of our Store and you will find items
sports needs that you can donate and/or you can also
donate class packages to one of our beneficiaries.

Check all the information pressing here.


Can I allocate my donation to different causes?

Of course, when you make your donation you can allocate it to:

  • Sports clinics
  • Training and certifications (Learning Program)
  • Sports team
  • Mexican Para Surf Team (competitive athletes)


Are they an authorized donee?

Yeah. Water Adaptive Sports AC is an authorized grantee institution. Authorization letter 700 02 01-00 00 2021-6240.
Official date: July 8, 2021.

How do I get my tax deductible receipt?

It is important that it is requested in the month in which the donation was made.

send us to contact@surfeandosonrisas.org Your updated tax status certificate and proof of donation