
Category: testimonial, aspirational, testimonial and a great sense of humor

Duration: 1h 30m


• Generate self-awareness
• Move and sensitize emotions
• Remember that everything happens for a reason
• Give the necessary strength to make decisions


The worst human disability is a bad attitude


Inclusion begins with emotions

Category: Inclusion & diversity, necessary and informative and a great sense of humor

Duration: 1h 30m


• Understand emotions
• Raise awareness about barriers and how emotions can break them
• Raise awareness about the benefits of inclusion in society
• Promote autonomy and the development of social skills
• Get to know the world of inclusion with humor and not as a taboo

Category: Personal growth, mindset, processes and hacks, ground the current situation

Duration: 1h 30m


• Generate internal and external awareness
• Understand that there is a great opportunity
• Help set priorities
• Positively impact productivity
• Create habits and say no to laziness


There is no other choice but to throw yourself


Listen and look into the eyes

Category: Personal growth, daily use tools, processes and hacks

Duration: 1h 30m


• Understand the internal elements that prevent us from communicating efficiently

• Know effective communication techniques

Category: Inclusive tourism, inclusion, informative, business opportunity

Duration: 1h 30m


• Know the immense opportunity that is being lost
• Understand that improvements are not complex
• Raise awareness about the vacation rights of any group
• Generate a change in thinking to a more inclusive one


Tourism for everyone


Transforming you into the director and protagonist of your life

Category: Personal growth, teamwork, self-knowledge, processes and hacks.

Duration: Between 45 and 60 min


• Discover in which people or situations you place your personal power today and recover it
• Know your true passion in life
• Start on the path of self-acceptance
• Become aware of the impact that your life, your decisions and your actions can have on the reality of other people.

Category: Personal growth, daily use tools, self-knowledge, positive thinking, processes and hacks

Duration: Between 45 and 60 min


• Know the four basic principles to cultivate constant positive thinking
• Stop normalizing ideals and concepts of perfection and unattainable stereotypes
• Identify how we relate to ourselves and our emotions
• Learn to build the life we want to have from here and now


Learn to live in the verb estar


Use your shadow to enhance your light

Category: Personal growth, daily use tools, self-knowledge, positive thinking, processes and hacks.

Duration: Between 45 and 60 min


• Learn the difference between controlling and managing our emotions
• Identify how we relate to ourselves and our emotions
• Know what our emotional triggers are and how to manage them better
• Understand that there are no negative emotions
• Learn to let all emotions flow without them being stronger than us

Category: Reflection, personal growth, awareness


Duration: 1 hour


• A space for reflection on the importance of human relationships,
education and social resilience that is achieved with closeness and the search for a transcendent purpose


The future depends on us


Boldness and unwavering confidence

Category: Reflection, mindset and tools

Duration: 1 hour


• We are briefly in this world, with all the tools to improve our environment, let us be more aware of our inner power and we will generate a positive effect on new generations

Category: Reflection, personal growth, awareness

Duration: 1 hour


• We are part of a larger system, our existence and its difficulties have a transcendent purpose and we can access that understanding whenever we want.


Inspiration in times of crisis

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