Team Buildings


The game will be used as a pedagogical means for the group to know each other individually and as a team and how we achieve goals. The game is used as a pedagogical metaphor for who we are.
The central objective of the dynamics is to reestablish RECONNECTION and TRUST between team members, through knowledge between each one of them that generates enough confidence to be able to discover the talents that exist in the group in general and to be able to achieve the goals. under this scheme of TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER. Resuming what it will be like to get back together as a team (ADAPTATION).
Know and understand how I am today and how my team is today.
Recognize ADVERSITY as an opportunity to generate new actions.
Understand that there is a great opportunity.

01. Icebreaker


Duration: 30m

02. Dynamics of nouns the for what and what does that have to do with me

Duration: 1h 30m

03. Challenge

Duration: 45m

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