Training and Awareness


Understanding disability from a social paradigm

Category: Disability & Inclusion, informative and introductory

Time: 1.15 hours

  • What is a disability?
  • types of disability
  • Differences between the assistance paradigm and the social paradigm
  • The UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
  • The true inclusive language: beyond vowels and genders


Accessibility of information and communication media


Category: Universal accessibility, communication and information

Time: 1.15 hours

  • Characteristics and making accessible documents
  • Accessibility in audiovisual media
  • Accessibility on web pages
  • Accessibility in social networks
  • accessible communication


Get Socially Involved


Category: Motivational, empathetic and taking action

Time: 1.15 hours

  • When you change, your environment changes and your world changes.
  •  The power of society as a transformative and change agent
  •  Helping others helps you too
  •  Transform what you like into a way to help others


Introduction to Universal Accessibility


Category: Inclusion, good practices and looks to the future

Time: 1.15 hours

  • What is universal accessibility and why is it important?
  •  Universal accessibility beyond disability
  •  Universal accessibility as a key right
  •  Implementation of universal accessibility
  •  Challenges and progress towards a truly accessible social environment for all


Benefits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in organizations


Category: good practices, opportunity for companies, diversity & inclusion

Time: 1.15 hours

  • Main factors for a company to get involved in DEI
  • Invisible aspects of the DEI
  • Significant challenges when implementing DEI programs
  • How to measure the success of DEI programs in the total performance of the organization
  • DEI's vision for the future and what you can do today to achieve it


Intervention in Unconscious Biases


Category: good practices, labor inclusion, diversity & inclusion.

Time: 1.15 hours

  • What are unconscious biases?
  • Examples of unconscious biases
  • Strategies to deal with unconscious biases
  • How do unconscious biases affect the workplace?
  • Avoid unconscious biases when recruiting

Exclusive training for the Surfeando Sonrisas community


Introduction to Surfing Smiles

  • The WHY of Surfing Smiles
  • How to undertake socially and generate impact?
  • Mistakes and successes of the foundation
  • What do we do and how do we do it?
  • Philosophy and values
  • Benefits of adapted water sports


Use of basic internet tools

  • Creation and use of email
  • Platforms and tools for sending files, creating, managing and filling out digital forms
  • Familiarization with the Surfeando Sonrisas website
  • Digital registration processes for events and clinics 

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