Clínica de Para Sup Manzanillo, Colima – 20 Abril


April 20, 2024

Bienvenido a una clínica más de Surfeando Sonrisas, como siempre, nuestro objetivo es que la disfrutes al máximo y la pases increíble con nosotros, para eso te tenemos las siguientes recomendaciones:

  • Bring a bathing suit and a shirt that you can get wet
  • sunscreen and cap
  • Towel and a change of clothes
  • Thermos for coffee and/or water (we do not promote or accept the use of plastic)

We will have hydration and a coffee break, but we recommend you bring something to eat if you think you might be hungry.

And please don't forget the most important thing, all the good vibes to have an incredible time and ride the wave with us.

¡Nos vemos el sábado 20 de marzo!


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