
For the foundation it is very important to communicate and transmit knowledge on various topics. Of course, the mission, in addition to improving the quality of life of PcD ♿, is to put on the table issues related to inclusion & diversity, mobility & accessibility, inclusive tourism, among many others.
And we are not only specialists in these topics, we also have content of interest for the world of work and the balance with personal life.
By contracting our services, you will not only be offering training, knowledge, and rapprochement to your collaborators on various topics, you will be helping us to continue impacting children and young people ♿ in Mexico through our programs.

Clients we have made smile

Equipment rental

Innovative products on mobility issues and essential for the operation of the foundation that you can rent. Find out more here

Integration and growth services

Training and Awareness

Raise awareness and bring your collaborators closer to content related to R&D, mobility and accessibility and everything related to the world of disability.


Power messages that can escalate into a dialogue with your collaborators, challenge them and get them out of their comfort zones.


Introduce your collaborators in a "Call To Action" format, hacks and simple tools for daily use.

Team Buildings

The game will be used as a pedagogical means for the group to know each other individually and as a team and how we achieve goals. The game is used as a pedagogical metaphor for who we are.

Off-Site Surfing Smiles

It is time for your collaborators to live, get to know each other and learn through an innovative, disruptive Team Building and with the ocean as a game room.

High Impact Experiences

They are extraordinary and impressive experiences focused on working on different aspects of personal and professional life. The objective of this type of experience is to move people away from "I can't" and take them beyond personal beliefs and thoughts that limit them and keep them from what they really want.

Meet our facilitators


Daniel Gomez de la Vega

"Do not wait, today make those decisions"

Through the biggest blow that life gave him, he discovered that he is good at transmitting emotions and that the only way to achieve it was by diving into his own.


Sandra Jimenez Loza

"Be the director and protagonist of your life"

Life coach and personal development; She is also a filmmaker specialized in directing actors at the International Film and Television School (EICTV) in San Antonio de los Baños,


Alejandro Urena

Alex helps evolve the culture of organizations through a comprehensive understanding of complexity, well-being and applied humanism.